Monday, August 29, 2016

You are a generic hero. You are a man, no, a woman, wait - a man.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Posted these on wrong blog

 Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A person takes shady employment. Needs to be willing to kill. Meets employer and another & kills the other. Turns out that wasn't the mark, but an ally. Employer decides, "what the hell,' hires person. The murder makes the job tricker, and comes back to haunt them later.
Posted these on wrong blog

 Saturday, June 28, 2014

A broad outline of the society I feel most people could agree to.

People should not go hungry or be homeless. They should have have equal access to justice under the law. They should have access to health care. Free education should be available to all.

The vast majority of people should see their incomes slowly increase. They do not have enough voice in our political processes. Labor unions need to become a force again. Speech and money need to be divorced by law.

The rich need to taxed equitably. Wealth as well as income should be taxed. Outrageous salaries should be taxed at 90% or more. Large estates should be significantly taxed upon death.
Posted these on wrong blog

Friday, June 27, 2014

Well, here it is 2014. And nearly half way through. Held a birthday party, only my second? party hosted here in fourteen years. Had a good time until I stood on a live coal (barefoot). Had a good time after, but my foot sure hurt. Kept the blister intact so the old skin is still protecting the new skin, it should heal well.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Story Idea - Serial killer as Murderee

Written from point of view of a serial killer who perceives each of his murders as the victim. He thinks that he is being repeatedly killed. Takes a while to realize that this, in fact, cannot be true, as one can only be killed once.

How? As story begins, he experiences his life as unrelated vignettes - scenes of being murdered. Slowly he pieces together a sense of continued identity and realizes he cannot be being repeatedly killed - might come up with various theories of how his perceptions could be true first; he's psychic, experiencing others murders - or in contact with ghosts, or confusing dreeams with reality, etc.

What motivation? Could he be extremely empathic and so identifies with his victims that he he remembers the killings from their point of view? Possibly he started as a soldier who is so disturbed by horrors of killing that his identity shatters. Could be that he was abused as a child. Could be that he began as a cold blooded killer who slowly develops a conscience.

Could be like a detective story as he pieces together the truth... What happens when he begins to suspect the truth, then slowly becomes convinced that it is true? Does he turn himself into authorities? Kill himself? Try to make restitution? Decide to own his killings and continue them? Accept the truth and then proceed with a normal life?


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I find it difficult to do anything other than read, watch TV or play video games. There are many other things I need to do. It's become harder to make weekly phone calls to my mothers. My house is decaying. Rust on car needs to be addressed. The yards could use a mow.

Monday, September 14, 2015

I'm overwhelmed by the tasks before me. I do the minimum number of jobs that I can. It seems doing anything opens the door to endlessly doing the things that follow after it. I constantly engulf my self in narrative. To be not wasting my time as I avoid doing all the things I believe I should be doing.